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KJ was over and she helped me get my videos from the last karaoke night at hics from my tablet to fb :)! I choose a song #1 cause I like it then download it with lyrics from you tube! I study just how the artist sings it then try to emulate just how the artist sings it! That's a fun way of working my memory :)! I share it with fb to show everybody my progression! One I stood up all the time and that's hard for me. Mainly cause of my chronic fatigue but also I've gutta multitask! I've gutta concentrate on my singing but also standing without loosing my balance! Two very hard things for this tbi survivor to do! I may not be the best singer but I'm just showing how hard I work at progressing :)! I've also taken a ride to Wg's and I remembered I needed the vitamin centrum silver! I wanted to wait until I got my check cause this is expensive! I get more tired from mental work then physical work! Being brain injured I guess using my brain just exhausts me at times! That's something I've learned to live with and I've just gutta accept this is the way my life is gonna be now and that's the hard thing! I also completed my monthly peapod order and forgot to get some frozen microwave pizzas! I was able to add it to my order which is due to arrive Friday btwn 9am-11am!        


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