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It's a lazy Sunday! I still have yet to get my act in gear and shower! I'm still having my first large cup of coffee! Being Sunday I've gutta stick to routine which means, trim my beard before I hop in the shower, get all my laundry together, do laundry! I think I booked all my trips for the week over the past few nights. Pretty much a regular week, YMCA Monday for swimming and my weights, hics Tuesday but on Tuesday the hics bowling tournament is taking place, go team Jones! YMCA Wednesday then hics Wednesday night for game night. Thursday hics then Friday the YMCA just for my weights. This survivor keeps very busy that's the way I deal with this dreaded injury, if I'm busy no time to think about how much it sux living with a traumatic brain injury! I've just got to keep going foreword to be the best me I can!


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