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I had hics today and there was FREE food! We had someone from MRC ( Massachusetts rehabilitation commission) speak to us about services they offer! I found out now that I live in Holbrook I'm eligible to apply for services through her (Brockton) office :)! When I lived in Scituate, the Quincy MRC office closed my case cause of no affordable transportation there! Now I can apply with the Brockton office ! That's something I'm gonna see if KJ will work with me on :)! It's not that I need the money I'm living very well on SSDI but a little extra cash never hurts :)! You'd think in today's world with everything digitized all they would have to do is call the Quincy office and get all my information sent to them digitally but I've gutta reapply for services! I don't care, if this gets me a job I enjoy its worth it! The last group of the day my favorite peer tbi! JR did the best he's ever done running peer tbi, in fact the best any staff has done! We talked about how the general public perceives us being survivors of tbi! It is frustrating when your in a store and need help or better yet talking on the telephone and not being able to express what you mean or not understanding the information your receiving cause of our tbi! Awareness is much better now than it was in the 1980's though! I personally don't care what others think about me! I know what a I am and that's a good person! I try and live my life the way my savior showed me! If someone doesn't like it that's their problem not mine :)!       


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