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8.11.15after 4pm

I had hics today and we did a way kewl thing, we played singo! This guy came in and we got a piece of paper with titles to various songs on it! The object of the game was to get five spaces checked off very similar to bingo! He told us the title after the song finished though! I didn't need to be told on 95% of the songs and I wish we weren't told but it still was great fun :)! I never got it but came close a number of times! I came home and I've just got this unbelievable feeling of freedom at MY place! When you've had to live at hospitals and other people's houses, don't get me wrong, living with my mother was way better than hospitals but then she passed! I remember telling my case manager about her passing and saying how scared I was cause now it's just my brother and I and I knew how difficult he is to live with! He is, I believe a very negative person which is the opposite to me! I do thank him for giving me a place to live at $650 a month but just living by his rules and being treated sometimes like a kid and not a grown man got under my skin but I'm happy now that I've got my freedom! He was one who never thought I could do as well as I am now! When he used to say to me "what are you going to do when your on your own?" I used to say "it will be much easier now cause I'm not raising a teenager"! He didn't believe that   but I've proved him wrong a number of times before I just keep on proving my doubters wrong :)!


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