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9.10.14 after 9am

KJ called this morning and she had a family responsibility she had to attend to so she couldn't make it over today she's coming Friday! Jeff Sebell has a new book out I have yet to read it but he told me while he was writing it and waiting to publish it that it is based on his older blogs! That's how I met Jeff! It was early in my journey with tbi when I first got back on the internet and I was looking for support and not having this awful feeling of being alone living with tbi! I was living in Scituate at the time too so I needed  to alter my concentration from feeling trapped! Jeff made me realize I'm not alone and I can make my new life anything I want! Jeff if you read this post the title of your book on my page and I recommend this to anyone who would like to know what its like living with a traumatic brain injury. 


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