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5.26.13 around 6pm

I've booked all my trips for the week!Monday is a holiday so I didn't know if the YMCA would be open.They are open but I guess the partnership program is not!That is one reason why I wanna be able to do everything myself at the YMCA!I've been out to linner (lunch/dinner)with Lisa,been to Wg's,got my peapod delivery!I put one of my swordfish steaks in a Tupperware container loaded with teryoaki sauce and put it in the freezer!That will taste sooo good when I  Foreman that up :)!I left a ham steak out 4 dinna tonight but I'm gonna wait a while now cause I'm not at all hungry after linner :) !I think my Iphone is coming on Tuesday,I've got to sign 4 it,Lisa is not gonna be home so I sent KJ an email saying cause I've gutta wait 4 fedx I can't come in on Tuesday!I left a ham steak out for dinna tonight :)!


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