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4.3.13 b4 noon

KJ called and is having car troubles so she may not be able to make it over :( !I found out we're going to the imperial palass tonight!I'm going chinkin:)!
    You'd think that would cause me problems remembering things I need help with but I'm smart enough to know the things I've got issues with and memory is probally the biggest thing I've got issues with!I create a file on notepad with all the things I want to go over with her!That is using whatever tools I have at my dissposal and using them to my advantage.I've just gutta remember what I named the file!I tried to make that easy 4 me 2!I name then kj then whatever the date will be!Then I've just gutta remember what the date of the home visit is gonna be but you see those are things I've got lots of problems with!I've got my phone if I'm unsure of the date too though :)!


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