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4.24.13 after 8pm

Well KJ was here this morning,I went to the YMCA and had a great workout but didn't do hics tonight!It was bowling at Boston bowl and although I miss dinna at the dreadwood cafe,my foot was causing me too much discomfort to bowl on it!I think I've got an appt. to see my podiatrist!I scooted 2 the store just down technical pk dr,I need to scoot to Wg's to pick up a med but I just didn't feel like scooting the mile 2 Wg's!I'm not gonna do hics tomorrow cause they're all gonna go to the Imax theater and that is like going to a movie to me!I just can't sit in one place 4 a few hrs!I still gutta scoot to Wg's to pick up a med, that's what I'll plan on doing tomorrow :)!


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