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3.6.13 12-12.30

KJ was over and she helped me with so so much I've really gutta think about it b4 it escapes me!We (she) was able to install my print cartridges correctly and finish the install of the software.She even got my phone able to print a page on it :)!Now I've just gutta install the software on my net book and my two notebooks (laptops)!I can print from my phone now :)!She was also able to help me with my phone quite a lot!She got my phone to access my on line banking account,my blog,The ride's web site!!I've just gotta remember to go to favorites and pick what I want!I now even know how to make the screen (fonts) bigger so I'm able to work with it more efficiently :) !I'm not gonna go to hics tonight cause I really shouldn't spend the money plus I've got therapy and hics tomorrow and I need to scoot to Wg's to pick up meds!I'm really creating a happy life for myself with all my technology! :)


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