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3.13.13 around 2.30 pm

KJ has made a home visit and I've been to the dentist.I've found a way I can remember to speak with KJ about any concerns I may have!I just create a file in notepad,KJ date and I've got it :)!This is the way I've gutta compensate for my inability to write!That is how I try to deal with this tbi.I realize my inabilities then use my abilities to compensate 4 them! :)At the dentist I met this very pretty young mother so I figured a good chance to network,I gave her one of my cards with my web site and blog url on it,also my email address.I was also able to post a blog from my phone while waiting 4 my ride.These posts might not be good gramer or perfect spelling but something I can do while waiting,if I remember how I got there :) !


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