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1.24.13 bout 7.30 pm

I've had a busy but great day :)!I had therapy first and I really like my therapist!I think we figured out why my posture wasn't good at all!I've just gutta remember to hold my head up and look strait ahead!Then hics and we had a debate group!We had to debate if women should be aloud to serve in combat.I went for the group that said yes.I quickly changed my opinion though after debating with JR cause he is right.There is about 160 lbs of equipment that has to be carried by combat solders and he would know after being a marine serving in Iraq!I guess I didn't think it through enough but you see that's why the staff at hics is so great!They really make us use our brains!I'm trying to do my daily check of my bank accounts but the citizens bank web site seems to be down :( !Oh and Lisa came over and helped me figure out how to turn the volume up on my land line :)  !


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