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11.29 6.11 pm

My tax lawyer got back to me,he said"the irs will not garnish any of my money as long as I continue to make timely payments on my installment plan,ssdi is not a needs based program so there is no asset limit!That means I can impliment my plan of working with the money I got from the sale of my house investing in blue chip,high yield investments,Cds high yeild savings!Basicly I can have all MY money  in my name!To do this I'm gonna need the cooperation of the trustie who in the past has not been cooperative when he thinks he could be hurt by things I'm involved with.He just wants nothing to cost him time or money!I'm gonna have to have hip repacement surgery in the future,I don't know what shape mass helth will be in at the time!I'm gonna have to leave some of it liquid just in case!Now after putting my son through college I've only got maybe 25 thousand to play with!Time to make my money work for me!I can visit all the savings banks and credit unions on line and research everything!I'm just gonna have to keep everything cuase I'm gonna have to pay tax on all the money I'm gonna make :)!Thats why I just orderd the neat scanner!I saw this on tv and it sorts everything and keeps all my reciepts in all differant catigores!I'm computer smart there's no reason I can't do my taxes with the software avalible today!My life keeps getting better :)!The biggest thing right now is not knowing how much I have!Hopefully I get cooperation and not have to worry about this ever again!

SSDI is not a needs based program so there is no asset limit.”

SSDI is not a needs based program so there is no asset limit.”


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