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10.23.12 4.30 pm

Ive had a great day so far!Ive had hics,we had a new group,recreational pursuits!Things to do in our spare time!One of the things mentionend was blogging!I'm an expert on that subject :) !Blogging not only makes me think of all that has happened to me on a given day,Ive always got my blog to look back on when I forget what happened,which happens many,many times :)!We also had current issues and healthy living!In h l we discussed the benefits of strength training!I do that at the YMCA 2 - 3 times a wk :)!I know its helping to keep my cancer away but,I don't know how it helps so I had to ask!KJ is gonna look into that :)I just have my issues with "the ride" now preventing me from going on Wednesdays!I got home to my land line ringing,Lisa wanting to go for a walk!Ive just got too much to do now!My dvd rom is not opening on my desktop!I've got to remove the cover and check it out,I've gutta hook up my new monitor,clean up around here


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