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7.9.12 4.13 pm

Ive been able to get in contact with the town crier (motel) and made my reservation :) !Then I scooted to walgreens mainly just to get all the wires that will enable me to conect my digital camera to a computer,I can't find the one I had.Now I can share my little get away!Jan is so sensitive to my needs,she wanted to make sure I could bring my scooter!I told her that it does come apart and fits in a trunk.Now Ive just gutta pratice taking it apart and lifting it short distences!Thank godness for caller id.I don't move fast at all!The phone was ringing and I couldn't get it in time so I checked who called!It was the motel (town crier) they got one of my numbers wrong on my card!Its all set now,I'm gonna get away :) !


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