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7.27.12 8.20 pm

I'm searching my brain to remember what I did today,this is hard work for me!I started the day with my normal two large cups of d&d's french vanilla coffee then I scooted to walgreens!I got my older laptop back from Jan but,I need to get a new AC adaptor for it.I tried one place but they kept on saying my cards not working!Then I called dell directly,got lost in the automated phone system!I got it done though,I'll get it in a few weeks.I spoke with Lisa,that's who I want to let borrow the puter,get her on fb,then maybe she will get to know me better :) !Made dinna,cleaned up a little.I really miss being with Jan!I really felt wanted in a big way while I was away with her.Oh geesh,I'm getting Jan withdrawals!Ive just gutta know she is gonna try to get here more often!I just had so much fun with Jan,its just how she makes me feel!I feel so safe with Jan,not just physically but,emotionally too!She really is a great person!


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