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Kenny's visiting hrs

I booked a ride to get me there at 12 then a return at 1!They got me there at 11.15!My return wasnt untill 1.05!I just started mingling with all of Kenny's great family!There was like a puter monitor that dissplayed lots of pics of Kenny throu the years!I met so many people but cant remember any names,all great people!The staff at the home were great to me!I saw an old friend I played hockey with and worked with at hatherly cc!I asked "Billy,are you playing any puck?"I guess we are all getting older cause he said he's 55!He looks the same as he did when we were working together,I guess some 30 yrs ago! It was sad but,I think Kenny has that great smile on his face after seeing all the great people that came to see him off on his journey!


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