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Showing posts from April, 2011


I do have a pickup time to go to church tomorrow but,its at 8.13 am for a 9.30 service!I think I'm gonna cancell my trips for tomorrow,I just want a relaxing Sunday!Sorry Jesus,I'll read some of your word!

NOT today

It was kinda getting late so I texted bri,said you commin?She's commin ova tomorrow!Thats okay with me Im just lookin so forward to seeing my not so little anymore princess :)!

Other things to do

Ive got to reinstall my eye-fy memory card for my cam on my puter!Ive seen advertized on tv where you can rent games similar to netflix with movies!Im not much of a gamer but,I used to injoy doing role playing games.B4 my divorce I was into one and all my kids used to watch me try to make the right choices as what to do!I forget the name (go figure)of that particular game but,if I have alot to chose from,I can find one I like,then buy it at a store someplace!Ive got transportation now,it just dosnt go to Scituate!Rip Kenny!The b's I think are on to :)!What a time to be a sports fan!Go bruins,celts,and sox!


Today Im just going to stop and shop in Braintree.I dont have it on my list but Ive got to remember to get some alluminum foil!I need that for my cooking needs.

today's plans

All Ive got for today is going to the "y" for my naughtillis training!Then maybe Ill scoot to wallgreens,I still need some milk!I do have to check and make sure I have value on my laundry card!

Kenny's visiting hrs

I booked a ride to get me there at 12 then a return at 1!They got me there at 11.15!My return wasnt untill 1.05!I just started mingling with all of Kenny's great family!There was like a puter monitor that dissplayed lots of pics of Kenny throu the years!I met so many people but cant remember any names,all great people!The staff at the home were great to me!I saw an old friend I played hockey with and worked with at hatherly cc!I asked "Billy,are you playing any puck?"I guess we are all getting older cause he said he's 55!He looks the same as he did when we were working together,I guess some 30 yrs ago! It was sad but,I think Kenny has that great smile on his face after seeing all the great people that came to see him off on his journey!


Today Ive got hics :)!Then Ive got trips booked to and from Kenny's visiting hours! I'm hoping all my trips workout,its just being dependent on others that makes me a little nervous!


Ive had my home visit now Im gonna go to the "y" then to hics for rec!I booked a ride to and from Kenny's visiting hrs tomorrow,Im just glad its in Cohassett!.

Kenny's visiting hours

Kenny's visiting hours are at a funeral home in Cohasset !"The ride" services Cohasset , I'm gonna go to pay my last respects!They are also having a service on Saturday but its in Scituate,"The ride"wont go to Scituate .

hics today

We had an in-service from the disabled persons protection commission!Very informative but,I have no problem anymore cause now I have nobody here to even give me mental abuse of any kind :)!


Today Ive got hics :)! I'm very impressed with the "share your love" page or group set up on fb for Kenny!He touched the heart of so many,including me,its a wonder full way to say "good bye" and to deal with his passing!


I think its great that people create a page or a group on fb about their passing!Its so comforting reading the coments left on Kenny's page from friends,family,siblings!It helps to deal with the loss :(!


Lrv's or light road vehicles!I'm reseaching them!They are very similar to a golf cart!They say they are street legal!I'm just thinking of ways to increase my independence :)!They have a fb page too but,I think the scooter moped will be the best cause it has storage space plus I can have a passenger!I couldnt take it up to Laconia for bike week thou :(!

todays plans

Ive got the "y" to go to today for my resistance training then I'm thinking bout scooting to walgreens , Im out of milk!I need milk to cool down my thought when my ulcerated esophagus acts up!Maybe Ill get some ice cream too!That works when the pain is real bad!
Kenny,exactly as I remember him with that great smile!


My ham was pretty good but,I think I cooked it a tad too long!Its things like this that make me soooo happy thou!In Scituate I never had the freedom to cook a ham!Now,in MY castle,nobodies saying "you cant"!Im just so happy :)!


I went to church this morning,Rich gave me his recommendation for a church closer actually in Holbrook !Its the same church Lisa goes to!She wants to try other churches thou.I said why don't you try beechwood,Ill give you the money it costs me to take "the ride" to Cohasset but,she started with the wear and tear on the car so I knew she wouldn't :(!

Not tonight

Lisa had said she was gonna come ova bout 7.30!Got to be around 8 so I called!She said she was sorry,shes kinda depressed cause its Easter weekend and shes got nothing to do!Im going food shoppin tomorrow,maybe Ill get a spirell ham,invite her to an Easter dinna here!Ive got to make sure it comes with instructions thou,been foreva since I cooked a spirell ham :)!


Ive got DM making a home visit this morning then I'm going to the "y" to workout with the Nautilus machines then hics its trivia night!I have this sore on my behind that makes me very uncomfortable! I'm tiring all the home remedy's I know!

Lisa's puter

I called comcast technical support,asked to have an installation cd mailed to me!They said to just go to the local office and pick one up.Thats a problem for me cause Im not driving YET.I told Lisa of the issue and she is gonna drive down to the Braintree office :)!

4.18 early evening

Im doing a load of wash now and only used my cain to do it so far but,Im gonna have to use my walker to get them after they dry!I know Ill have trouble tring to focus on using the cain right and carring my wash,safty first :)!

4.18.11 afternoon

Ive had a fantastic workout today but on the rowing machine I had to readjust my grip on my right hand half way through my reps!After that I was able to not let go for the rest of my 12 reps :)! I'm gonna rest for a little while then maybe do a load of wash or go out and walk the entrance way to my bld with only a Cain :)!


Ive just got a regular busy week with hics and the "y" this week but,to be able to do all that I do,makes me very very happy!Being the king of my OWN castle really makes my new life wonderfull!


I couldn't get myself organized in time for my pick-up for church this morning!Ive been thinking instead of writing another chapter on I could create another blog!I like what Arnie has done with "how is Arnie" so maybe hows Jamie progressing!I can do this on blogspot for free! I'm thinking of scooting to Walgreen's today too if the sun breaks through!Ive gutta get the things I had trouble finding at stop and shop!Its not as overwhelming at wallgreens !There is just so much at stop and shop I get overwhelmed easy!Ive got to get some picture frames too!I have picture paper 4 my printer,Ive got all my pics saved to a flash drive.Ive got plenty of wall space! I'm always thinking of ways to keep busy!


Kinda alot has happend so far today!Ive been to the eye doctors,I need reading glasses!Not cause of my tbi but my age,oh well!She said I do have great vison thou!Ive been to stop and shop,then Lisa came over,we called dell tech support and her laptop has no wireless card in it!I do have a device that plugs into a usb port that I used b4 I was hard wired to my router but,gutta find the software if I ever had it.Now gutta think bout dinna!I forgot to take something out of the freezer this morning so its gonna be a nuked something :)!


Ive had kinda a busy day :)! I worked out at the "y" then got home,showerd,ate then went to a tenets meeting here!I stay busy tomorrow too!Ive got an eye doctor appt at 9 am then I go to stop and shop in Braintree!I think my rides look good but,anything an happen with "the ride"!I never would do two things on one day!Now it seems Im doing at least two things daily!


Today Ive got the "y" for my Nautilus training then there is a tenants meeting at 5 at the clubhouse!I don't have ant issues to bring up but, I'm thinking of bringing Lisa's puter cause Jane may be there and she wanted a crack at it!


Ive known the date all day today!I'm thinking about writing a note on fb reflecting back on 9 yrs of living with tbi!Ive gutta figure out how to make it another chapter on my web site too!All in tring to get my nurones fireing in order and not skipin a beat :)!


Today Ive had hics and pdJ ran a group called "whats next".We have all been through rehabilitation therapy,so whats next?Working or volunting,I like to think Im working now!Not only on myself but,Im working to increase brain injury awaress through my fb page and my blog :)!I also got in touch with Lisa bout her puter.She is gonna come ova Thursday night and together we will call Dell technical support :).

4.11.11 afternoon

Ive had a great workout today :) then,when I got home,to MY castle,I figured Id put some work into Lisa's puter!I called comcast tech support,they passed the buck to netgear(maker of my router)who passed the buck over to dell,the kind of puter it is.Ive had alot of experience with dell tech support and I believe that Lisa will have to be here at least for the initial call but,I gonna wait till lata,Im a little tired right now!


Today I go to the "y" for my nauhtilis training then Ive gutta put some work into Lisa's puter!While spending good quality time with her yesterday the subject of church came up.I mentioned about my issues with my pickup times and she said "do you want to go to church with me?"Wow that will be from going to church with from one pretty blond to anther!Im tempted but,I really like beechwood!

3.10 afternoon

My new life is really starting to get real kewl !I seem to be able to get to a store ( Walgreen's )when I need,want to!Ive been texting with Kat,she has reminded me of the sox game tonight,even what network and channel number! I'm so Lucky to have a friend such as Kat :)! I'm enjoying an afternoon cup of dunkies french vanilla I just made :)!

history channell

Ive got the history channel on and theirs a program about America's biggest threat,a terrorist nuclear attack!Its so seal and scary!Ive got allot of living to do b4 something like this happens!On a different note,a lady was getting off the elevator here and made a comment about me to the man she was with!She said "he's handsome ! That's all well and good but,wheres it getting me?Nobody in knocking down my door wanting a relationship with me :(!


While booking my rides for the week I seemed to have used up all my funds in my ride account!I get an ssdi check on Tuesday so then I can add more to it,all online!It just takes two buisness days for the "t" to recognize it.I think Ive got most of my trips booked so I can wait!

plans for today

Ive got to scoot to walgreens today!It seems I have no paper towels!I forgot to put the coffee pot in place while making coffee this morning,big mess!I used all of what I had left of paper towells!Gutta make sure Ive got money first!I love being able to check my accounts online :)!Ive also got to put some work into Lisa's puter!I really want badly to get this pretty young "babe" online :)!Im really enjoying my new found hd channells with comcast!I wonder if the sox play today!Kat wrote down the channell number so I can watch it in super cool real hd :)!


Ive got to do some work on booking my rides for church!They had me for a 7.45 am pickup time for a 9.30 service! That's just too early on a Sunday for me!When the service started at 10 I used to book a 10.15 arrival time!So I'm gonna start booking a 9.45 arrival time, common sense :)!

laundry's done

I got all my laundry DONE!Now I ask how many men can live alone and get what I do on a daily bacis done!I survived a tramatic brain injury and cancer :)!Yes Im bragging but,Im proud of what I CAN do :)!


Ive been food shopping and got my meds !I looked at my phone and there was a missed call!I called back and it was Kat,she said she would come ova to watch the sox game!She got Duncan doughnuts coffee too :)!We watched the sox loose again:( and then I learned com cast has different channels for hd ,up in the 800's is all the hd channels!She wrote down my fav's numbers for me too,thanks Kat!After she left I started doing laundry.Its in the dryer now! I'm watching the race on the hd fox channel now,this is sooo cool :)!

things I gutta get done

Today I going food shopping and Ive gutta see if they have my new script ready! Im also out of baclofin !Ive gutta get some easy quick dinnas ,lean pockets!Ive got to find fresh spinage too!My normal stuff too.Ive got Lisa's puter to see if I can get it to recognize my wireless network!That may involve a call to comcast tecnical support!I really want to get her online then maybe after reading my home page a following my blog she will get to know the man I was and are working so hard to become!Im really tring to become the best not only man I can be but,I think Im a good person,I want to be the bestest person:)!Oh if Ive got time this weekend,understand my eye fi device,get into my oui game!Ive just got to have things,projects to keep my brain stimulated!:)

need to remember

Just got a call from the doctors office,my colesterol is a little high,he called in a script for same med but higher mlgs!I have to make an appt with the lab to have it done again in 6 weeks!

Todays happenings

So far today Ive had a great appointment with my doctor!My blood pressure was good,my pulse rate was good,my breathing was good, I'm still 10 lbs less on my wt then when I had my accident !He said I was doing good!I then had some lab work done, I'm waiting for the results.blood work,he keeps an eye on my cloistral levels cause b4 it was high!Then I went to the "y" and did my workout with the young and very pretty Alie!I really like being busy :)!

4.7.11 late afternoon

We all met at the south shore plaza (mall) today!I was able to get a fanny pack,eye fi card reader but,I had to get a card reader to install the software for the eye fi!Im tring to eliminate having the need for a card reader but,now I have one,geesh!:0 I saw dr.Kobell too!I showed him something I got from AS on severe spastisidy,itb or interrathecal baclofen therapy and he said he already dose it and was thinking of this for me!He had me walk around then said he thinks it will help :)!Im not gonna start that till May or June but,If it helps no,no if,when it starts to help me hopefully I can get rid of the walker :)!

pro's and con's

Facebook is a great social network but,it has pro's and con's to it!I don't think I would have known about Waynes passing if not for fb,now I learn of another old friend thats not doing well!Jesus,please be with Kenny as he fights his issues!


Today Im meeting the crew from hics at the Braintree plaza!There are a few things Im gonna try to find!The new memory card for a cam that lets you transfer pics wirelessly through your wireless network and your puter!I need a fanny pack too!Then Ive got a doctors appt with my muscle tone doctor,hopefully get shots of bowtox!Ive noticed my tone being bad as of late.My right side feels like something is holding my movements back making it harder to do just about everything!I see another doctor tomorrow,my pcp.

3.6.11 pm

We went to friendlies for dinna and planning!I had a great meal!Bacon cheeseburger with two coffee f ribbles !I didnt get any support on planning a karaoke night,sorry loyal fans!This really wasn't a good place for me.I used the Mens room but,my walker couldn't get throu the door and it wasn't handicapped accessible !I made it work but,still not good!

home visit

CmD was over and we had to do allot of work!I needed to renew my membership with the ymca !That involved copying my income statement,expenses! I'm eligible for financial aid so I had to do all of them!My home office really came in handy!Look everything up online then print them out!What I had we could make copies of!Ive just got to invest in some bigger envelopes but,he can bring them to the office and use one from there. I'm working on being self sufficient ,so I need to get some :)!


Today cmD makes a home visit at 9 am then I go to the "y" then hics (rec),tonight we have dinna and planning at friendlies in Quincy!Lets see if I can convince everyone to have another karaoke night!I cant let my fans down :)!

4.5.11 afternoon

Hics was great today!We had regular groups but,the last group KJ disscussed the things she learned from the conference all the staff attended!We even did an activity she got from there!Like what do you do when someone pushes your buttons,the wrong ones!Depending on who it is my first reaction is to strick back but,in reality the proper thing to do would be to talk about it to whoeva was doing the pushing!I dont have that problem anymore!Nobody pushes my buttons anymore,if they did Id just say "GET OUT"!I love being king of MY castle :)!


Ive got hics today :)!Its not like it used to be 4 for me thou.I used to really like getting away from where I lived b4,now,when Im away,I miss it.

not good

Lifeline said (over the speaker I have)"time to test your lifeline"!I was thinkin ,where is it?I usually have it next to the shower.I looked and didn't see it.I then took a minute to get my head strait,moved a few things and it appeared !Ive gutta make a good effort to always wear it! I'm very confident I'm not gonna need it but,what if?I am challenged with my balance!What if I fell and hit my head?Ive been unconscious before,the last was 3.5 months! I'm gonna really try to always have it around my neck when I'm home, gee sh !

4.4.11 afternoon

I had a great workout today!I love to come home and make an afternoon pot of coffee!Thats why I never felt free living in Scituate,I wasnt permitted to!I no longer hear the words "you cant"!Im FREE!


Ten days and Ill be nine years tbi!4/14/02 was the day of my motorcycle accidnt!I guess when you think about it,who would have thought Id be able to progress as far as Ive got today?Im gonna do my very best to progress as far as I can and beyond :)!Today Im going to the "y",this will be the 2nd week of workin out 3 days!:)

Front of my building

I finally have been able to take pics,download them to my netbook,save on a flash drive,then share :)!


Im gonna go to stop and shop in Braintree!Ive got to try to trim my beard too,its nice and sunny out today,maybe Ill start my new hobby,taking pics arround here then downloading them to my puter!They do a great job on the grounds arround here,maybe I can show you :)!

4.1.11 afternoon

I had a great workout today :)! I'm not looking to increase the size of my muscle's ,just to get my right side back to what it was,also to get more definition so when the pool opens maybe get a lady interested :)!Mainly thou so I can be all that I can be!


April already geesh !Today all Ive got to do is my workout at the "y"!Ive still gotta search through all my stuff to see if I can find my free weights !I didnt have many but,enough to keep working my muscles even more! I'm gonna get out and start snappin pics but, the weather hasn't been conducive !