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doctors appt.

My appt. with dr.Katz went very very well :)!He did a very therough exam today!He checked my reflexes,vision to make sure I dont have like double vision,coordination tests,and the dreaded memory tests!Althou my left side is much more functional than my right,he did say he would recomend a driving eval for me :)!He noticed my treamours where not nearly as bad as they were before but,He was concerd about if I cant go on to the 2nd part of the eval how Id take it mentally!I told him,Ill still have "the ride" and my apt.I think my happiness just generates all around me :)!


Wonder Woman said…
That is awesome if you get the eval for driving!! I had my eval last year. Its pretty easy peasy. Its like neuropsych testing and a road test. Not too too bad. Hope you do it and rock it!!!

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