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part of the conflict

keeping everyone afloat I ended up with over $100,000 in debt yeah that supporting other people
Yeah Jamie think when were you would be if I had not agreed to let you into this house you would’ve been in a nursing home and you would still be there!!!!
Once they get the money they would never let you leave no matter what your progress
I helped you through a divorce what did you do with it you want to use the money to buy a fucking motorcycle which fuck you up
My money Jamie mother gave it to you do you think it was hers do you think she made that kind of money where do you think it came from
Wrong mine and Jamie very wrong morning
yur not making any sence, yur just not being realistic
And what you call bad decisions is having arthritis which made it so I could not walk so I could not work so I Made bad decisions
I chose to be out of work for four months last year with no fall back with nothing
You forgot that didn’t you
And then there was a two month this year where I was out of work for another physical problem forgot that
Yeah all my decisions of not been great Jamie but I have physical aging problems they’ve kept me out of work and it cost me a lot of money
didn't u loose $ cause of a girl?
Jamie I got in financial trouble because I was out of work did Tiffany have something to do with me spending money yeah I have $30,000 in the bank when I spent on Tiffany did not cause me to lose the house being out of work is what caused me to lose the house so sad to hear your judge mental position same as always Jamie same as always you’re the want to got on the back of a motorcycle after doing too much cocaine and drinking too many beers
Make that had $30,000 in the bank
The money was spent to keep my house and to pay my bills
I had money put away for retirement, then lost controle and it's gone
I am in the position I am because of physical problems that kept me from working I lost in overtime almost $22,000 last year
I had almost $12,000 in medical bills
You do the math
When you pray tonight talk to your mother what happened to that money
She spent it on you your children what else would she do
And she spent it on your lawyers
I know it was used to keep Ken in my apt in Quincy so I paid my own way as always
Yeah Jamie as always do you know how far that money went think about you pay to rent it lasted about seven months out of 12 who do you think pay the rest
Do you forget you were still paying child support then there were no commission checks then ken had call job locations Brianne and Alyssa he had needs


jamie said…
He said money was spent on my lawyers. wrong I didn't have any lawyers to pay!

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