I've been busy with doctor appts. this week! Tuesday I went to the doc. who does my clonascapys. I had to do a stool sample for this visit! I was given a kit to do it at home! It had a cover to go over the toilet seat cause it couldn't touch the toilet water! When I went to do this I couldn't find the cover, I had to think of a way to collect it now! All I needed to do was stab the stool with a long thin plastic needle and put it back in the like little plastic jar! I just did my duty then wiped and collected it off the tp! I blood was found in the sample I'd have to have another colonoscapy! I was able to read the results on my health.com and thankfully it was negative!So no colonoscapy :)! Wednesday night it was hics for bingo night! I won a game and recieved a prize of a scratch ticket! I'm not into scratching these so I'm gonna get my friend to do it! My thing is I'll split any winnings with the scatchee!Today I went to Braintree rehab to get my pump f...
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!