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10.14.17 around 9pm

Guess I haven't blogged for a bit,mainly cause I've been a little busy and frustraited! I got emencely frustraited yesterday cause nurse was coming to visit! Monday I got a call Sunday night confirming the visit and she came at 7.30am! No call this time and she didn't show till well after 10am! My anxioty get bad when I don't know exactly the way things are gonna go! I was supposed to have a homemaker come at 12.30 pm! Now I'm anxious the nurse won't be done in time! She checked all my vitals and they were all fantastic.Then my breathing and that sounded great! I'm waiting for a homemaker and it gets to be around 1.30 pm! My anxioty is real high at this point so I call the agency and say wtf! It seems she got hung up at the job b4 me and can't make it to me!I then worked on paying all my bills that went great! The ones I've got issues making the web sites work for me I did with limited issues! Then I did a peapod order. I didn't do one last month so I figured I needed everything! The order came today and I've realy gutta do better on this! I got all the frozen stuff away, but now I'm even stuggling to fit all my stuffs in my cabinets! Well I got it all away! One traite  I pocess is great determination:)!


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