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9.17.17 around 8pm

My scooter seems to have bitten the dust :(! I had to carry the trash out using my walker! It was only tiring but successful! Tomorrow I've got an appt. with my pcp. After that I've got no clue as to what I'm doing cause my pocket calendar is blank cause KJ was out the day of our home visit, feel beta KJ. I sent emails to try to find out guess I'm gonna have to landline the office tomorrow too. I gutta landline the MBTA too! I've only got enough left in my ride account for one round trip. I paid all my bills but forgot to add value to my ride account! I researched new scooters too! I've still gutta take the cover off the transaxle to see if visibly I can see anything wrong cause one like this costs about a grand now!  


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