Snow removal around here is the best it's been in years! I've been to Wg's via "the ride" and I looked at the condition of the roads and sidewalks, decided to scoot home! I did get stuck one time though! It's the same old thing, the ramps to get on the side walks have a small collection of snow, I can power through most of the time but after powering through a few times the btm of my scooter gets snow caked on the btm of it making the height clearance much less! I was able to get up and off my scooter and move it an inch a time then this good guy stopped and asked if I could use some help. Thank Jesus there are still some of us who try to live the way he showed us to live!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!