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11.10.16 around 7.10pm

Today got all "fed" up cause of "the ride"! I had a pick up time of 9.12 am then it got to be after 9.25am so I called and said wtf! They said the driver was nowhere near me it will be about an hour before he gets to you :(! I canceled the trip and the return, I wouldn't have gotten to hics till lunch time! I stayed home and paid all my bills after I took a ride to Wg's! That didn't work out well either! I need a refill on a med I'm not supposed to miss a dose on! They have to call my pcp cause I guess the script expired! I had to bring a scrip to be filled too! It was too early to get that filled but they can fill it tomorrow! I've gutta go back tomorrow for that med so hopefully they get a hold of my pcp so I can get both meds. I paid all my bills today too! Now I've just gutta wait till my life insurence and apt ins get deducted from my cking then I've successfully survived another month! 


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