I never posted what went on yesterday now I've gutta search my brain to find the link to yesterday! This is work, hard work for this memory impaired survivor but I try to make everything work to make my memory better! I went to see the nurse practitioner at my pcp's office! My pcp wants to keep an eye on my weight! I'm under doctors orders to gain weight! The good news is I did gain some! My weight is 162lb still less than b4 my tbi but as she said it's good I bulked up a little! I think I got all my bills paid too! I'm still having issues picking the right link to pay Mass health though but I made a peapod order too and after spending over $100 there, no need to take a ride to Wg's today! I know I did more songs at karaoke the other night I've just gutta find them in my phone! I think I'll work on that today :)!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!