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12.1.15 after 8.30am

For some reason I had a severe lack of motivation this morning so I'm not gonna do hics today :(! The main reason I'm having the lack is not knowing when I'm gonna have all the procedures I need to get done then my next surgery! I can't live without knowing whats ahead of me so I tried emailing the contact for surgery and forgot her email address. That's another plus about doing all my work through email! My email program saves addresses! I've just gutta know how it starts, character wise! I thought her name was Maureen so I started with the character m and nothing came up @south shore urology so I typed in south shore urology in the search mail option and found out it wasn't Maureen it was Joann@ssurology! I sent Joann an email and cced KJ a copy! This survivor knows exactly what he MUST do to continue to lead my very successful independent life :)!  


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