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2.23.14 just after noon

I'm sleeping real well lately :)!The last few nights I've been able to get into a real deep sleep! When I slowly wake up, I feel so refreshed I'm ready 4 the days challenges :)!Lisa was over last night and we tried to use my karaoke stuff but we couldn't figure out how to set it up so it works! Another thing I'm gonna have to see if KJ can help with,so my fans will have to wait :).My puter seems to be doing weird things!The bar that displays what programs are open moved from the bottom of the screen to the top!My experience with putters though things happen 4 no reason at all!Its easier to see anyway,now watch it change back now it knows I like it,they all have a mind that only they can understand:)! Lisa was talking last night about going to an ice cream place today 2, I think she said she would buy too! That just goes 2 show ya I think I've got the best attitude on how 2 act with people!When I  first met Lisa I said I  may forget your name but wait a minite, I never forget the pretty ladies names!That was our first impression of each other!I was just being myself, I guess a charmer but,thats me:)!


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