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9.2.12 7.35 pm

I'm trying to think of  what happend today and my mind is coming up blank!I think I scooted to Walgreens this morning,yes I did :)!I booked all my rides for the week.I had to call on one trip cause I'm seeing my oncologist,they don't have that address!Now I just gutta remember where I go after being dropped off!If I figured it out b4  I can again :)!I got some of my music cds together so I can pick some tunes to request that classic obsession learn or play at out concert/dance.I asked Lisa about going to the appreciation night but she gets night blindness,so she is uncomfortable driving home from Marlborough :(!I did get to hang with Lisa 4 a little while today as I worked on getting my netbook conected to the net in her apartment!I've got much more conectivity up here on the 3rd floor!I've been on and off the land line with Lisa all day :)!Tomorrow we are gonna go to family dollar,she walk me scoot :) !


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