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Showing posts from September, 2012

9.30.12 9.00 pm

I never got to laundry today,I've been trying to book my rides but the web site is very uncooperative!I'm on what they call my dashboard,I click on schedule a new trip,I do that,it makes me sign in again,I sign in again,click on schedule a new ride it goes back to sign in!What an awful job on this site!


Today I've got no trips to go anywhere!I took this opportunity to sleep late!I'm thinking about scooting to stop and shop in Holbrook but I must wait until my check comes in!I do gutta do laundry and scoot to walgreens!

9.29.12 9.10 pm

I've had a successful scoot to Walgreens today,did a trash run,still to be completed  though,made dinna!Lisa came over and helped me prepare parts of my dinna.She washed and put my broccoli in a pan.I think she is checking on me seeing if I'm eating somewhat right,which I welcome!I need to be constantly reminded of things!


I had a trip to stop and shop in Holbrook but I slept too late to get ready in time!That creates a decision that has to be made!Try scooting round trip to S &S OR just scoot to Walgreen's and get just my needs!I'm running low on funds so I think Walgreen's will be the winner!

9.28.12 6.05 pm

KJ was over!We called my podiatrist,made an appointment!That's a real good thing,my feet are killing me!It also keeps me from doing things I like to!Bowling last night and the YMCA today,opps,I mean Wednesday for bowling.Lisa came over and I looked up a couple sites for her,property sites,she wants to move :( !My homemaker was here and she did a great job as usual.Now I gutta cook dinna :)!


KJ made a home visit that worked out well!I was gonna go to the YMCA but my feet were hurting way too much!I was thinking just work my upper body but,the walk from my apartment to the van just seemed too much today!Later Lisa is gonna come ova,she wants to visit some housing web sites :) !My homemaker should be ova @ 4pm,I'm keeping very busy :)!

9.27.12 9.45 pm

I had hics today :)!My mind is drawing a blank at the moment so I've got no idea what happened!KJ is gonna make a home visit @ 7.30 am,that's real early but she knows I can handle just about anything thrown my way :)

10.26.12 8.15 pm

Today I scooted to Walgreens,I got some Franco American spaghetti and meatballs!I used to like this,easy to make,quick,not much clean up,it was kinda challenging for me to eat thou.I used a bowl and a spoon but,with my tremors its kinds hard to keep it on the spoon :(!Tomorrow I've got hics!Just a normal day I think.I made some Franco American spaghetti for dinna tonight ?)!

9.24.12 8.40 pm

I got the name of someone I can complain to about joint venture's useless web site!He will be there on Wednesday and Thursday!I have to say to him it just has no practical use!I've got many other issues with it as well!Tomorrow I've got an appointment to get my pump refilled!I think its amazing how she get the backlophin in the pump,and she usually does it on the first try!These are the times when not being able to write legibly bothers me cause I'll never remember my last pick up time from Braintree rehab!Busy day today,did all my laundry,got Lisa's desktop working,cooked and cleaned up after dinna!Hics then pump refill tomorrow.

9.24.12 7.00

I've done all of the utilities Lisa has available on that desktop it seems to have increased the speed ever so slightly!I think if she wants to share my Internet connection she is gonna have to drive me to best buy and she is gonna have to buy a signal extender!

3.24.12 4.10 pm

Lisa called and said she has a desktop computer that her son was gonna trash,asked if I could look at it!Its actually pretty nice,a dell demention wth a flat panell monitor!I've got it doing an error check now :)!

9.23.12 almost 9 pm

I just spent a few hours with the pretty lady Lisa :)!She asked me if I had heard the new Aerosmith song,I had yet to.I thought it was a good chance to show off a little so I said I can you tube it!I did and posted it to my fb page:)!

9.23.12 2.15 pm

I've booked my rides 4 the wk!That was kinda challenging too!I called most of my trips in but on Wednesday I've got to book it  a certain way,They say they can't do it that way!So I had to battle with the web site but,I think I was successful!Its not easy to ck and make sure they are right!Very poor design on the web site!


I just got out of bed but that is what Sunday is for,recharge :) !Ive gutta book my rides today,I'll have to call then in cause the web site sux!I've also got to do laundry!I do need to scoot to Walgreen's too!I'm thinking laundry will be the last task cause there is always tomorrow if I'm running late!No rushing around,its Sunday :)!


Tomorrow I've got no trips anywhere so I can sleep untill I wake up :)!I've just gutta do my normal Sunday tasks.laundry,book my rides 4 the week.Then maybe another scoot to Walgreens and pick up what I forgot today!

9.22.12 almost 6pm

I've had a successful scoot to Walgreens today,I was able to find some canned goods like veggies corn,green beans,spaghetti and meatballs :)!I've really gutta try scooting round trip to stop and shop in Holbrook!Next month though after I get paid :)!

9.21.12 almost 10 pm

Ive been able to stay busy all day!I became fb friends with a lady I knew from Giant glass!Its great to get back with all the great ladies that I knew b4 my accident!Who am I kiding,its great to get back in touch with all the very,very pretty ladies from gg :)!

9.21.12 almost 8pm

Ive been to a tennets meeting at the office,that was good!I like being very social and I think of these as social events :)!I always enjoy seeing the very pretty Kim too :)!One of these mtgs I'm gonna ask her out :) !


I didn't go to the YMCA today,it seems my issues with "the ride's" web site has me all mixed up!It seems all it takes is one thing to throw me off of my nomal routine :(!


I got up very early this morning and couldn't shake the cobwebs     out of my head so I cancelled going to hics today!I'm starting to get a clear mind now that its mid afternoon :).I'm thinking of a scoot to Walgreens.

Nickelback-How You Remind Me Lyrics

Ive got to get to really know these lyrics cause its karaoke night tonight at hics


The only way I can keep my pick up times 4 "the ride" is when they call the night b4 to type the times in notepad!The web site only lists the times I requested to be picked up or droped off,not very helpfull!Today I've got hics :).

9.17.12 6.50 pm

I've spent most of the day trying to familiarize my self with joint ventures new format on the web site!Its very difficult to get used to and understand! I've had to call to make sure of my trips.It doesn't even seem if they list the pick up times on the page!Its a good thing they call the night b4!


I got "the ride's"web site to work :)!Its the difficult to navigate and understand format though!In time though I'll get used to it and understand it better :)!I'm not gonna go to the YMCA today,I need to scoot to wgs and get some things and review my trips 4 the rest of the wk cause now I can :) !


I've already booked my rides for the week,I had to call them in cause the web site is STILL not up!The person even said she thought it was working now but I just checked,not on my computer!Its just not being sure of anything,I can't check to make sure I booked them ALL right!I've got laundry left to do today UGG!

9.15.12 10 pm

I've had a  great afternoon!Lisa came over and we spent a few hours just chatting :) !She is such a GOOD influence on me!She gives me a hard time about my eating habits,makes sure I'm wearing my lifeline pendant,tries to get me to call the doctor about the fluid build up on my back!Lisa has become such a great friend

9.15.12 4.44 pm

I've had a success full scoot to Walgreen's,I was even able to find peanut butter m&m's!I saw Lisa downstairs and I guess there are many advantages to living on the 3rd floor!Nobody can hang around your window,its much quieter,don't have to worry as much for people leaving the front door open!

still not up

The web site for "the ride" is still down!I'm pretty sure if I had all the codes I could have fixed the issue by now!Hopefully when the issue is finally resolved its not like it was when it briefly came up about a wk ago!That was very difficult to navigate!

9.14.12 1.10 pm

I was able to pay my comcast bill,I was having issues getting that done yesterday,it kept saying my card was not valid!I've learned that with my tbi if I'm having issues with a particular task,try it again another time don't keep getting frustrated!

9.13.12 5.20 pm

I didn't go to hics today.The web site is still down for "the ride" and I had to make sure of the rest of my trips.They call the night b4 but I just need to see my times!I'm not sure of anything,I'm not even sure of the rest of my trips and I just called!Thats why its so important to me they get it up and running!Ive spent qt with Lisa this morning!She was concerned about being on the Internet and not being able to get phone calls so I did a little research and found a cheap dsl service,net zero dsl,$9.98 month!They supply a dsl modem too!She is gonna call them.


KJ has been over and she helped me email myself a vid I took with my phone of the concert but I have yet to see it in my inbox!We called "the ride" about the web site they say they are working on it,keep checking!My check finally came through!Later I go to rec!We have planing at pizza hut and dairy queen :)!

9.11.12 9.22 pm

The web site for "the ride" is back up but,I don't know what kind of fool did the reprogramming or restructuring of the site!Its much more difficult to navigate around and its saying it doesn't recognize addresses that are reprogrammed on the site!It doesn't post the pickup times too,it only lists the requested drop off and pick up times!I'm not happy about this at all :-(!Ive got to now save the land line message,enter the times on notepad save the file,geesh!


I've had a great day!I had hics,I remember the last group we played pictionary and I even tried to draw a picture of a gift,the word I had to get my teammates to say. My writing issues got in the way thou :(!I tried though!I got home,the phone was ringing,it was Lisa asking me to walk so we went to d&d's!No check yet :(,I'm really sweating this months check out!"The rides" web site is still not working :( !

8.10.12 2.40 pm

" The ride's" web site is still not working :(!I knew I had to add value to my account but I'm running low on funds :( !I get paid on Tuesday but I was able to squise out $20. to put on my account!I'm thinking a scoot to D&D's is in order :)

9.10.12 11.00 am

I cancelled my trips to the YMCA for today and I can't go Wednesday cause I need more value in my ride account,I don't get paid till Tuesday!It appears in my account by Wednesday!I've got to have value to book wednesday nights trips cause we are going to pizza hut and dairy queen!Its really screwing me up having "the ride's" web site not working!

still not up

"The ride's" web site is still not up :(.I can call tomorrow to book my ride to hics on Tuesday but Ive gutta remember to call and Ive got a special way to book my Wednesday trips that once I tried calling and the agent said you can't do it like that.I say I do it all the time.I guess I'm just smarter than the agents working at "the ride"!

8.9.12 3.36 pm

I've had a successfull scoot to Wg's,I'm trying to book my rides but the web site seems to be not working very well!I've got time to book my rides,I booked tomorrows rides to the YMCA yesterday!I gutta do laundry now :) !


Today I've gutta book my rides for the week,do my laundry,go to the store down the end of technical park dr. or scoot to wgs!I'm running low on funds so I've gutta be very careful!

8.8.12 6.20pm

The concert was a great time :)!My feet were causing me great discomfort so I couldn't dance :(. I make every situation a happy one though,you gutta look for the good in everything.Although my date cancelled,my feet were hurting,I got to watch a live band,eat free good food,hang out with great people :)!

9.7.12 8.30 pm

I'm really excited about our dance/concert!Not only to hear a live band but to spend some good qt with Lisa!Ive made my list of songs I'm gonna ask if they know,from G&R to styxx,moody blues to aerosmithwith Alice Cooper thrown in as well:)!I asked "the ride" if tomorrow we could be picked up in a sedan not a van they said no :(!I'm van only cause of my scooter but you think they could do it just this time!We would be much more cozy in a sedan!


I did have trips to the YMCA but my foot was causing me too much disscomfort this morning so I cancelled all my trips for today!Ive got to make sure it feels okay tomorrow for dancing :)!

8.6.12 5.42 pm

Its been kindof a busy day!Hics was great some of the survivors went to the Greek feasible and some like me stayed at the program!I'm just low on cash till I get paid which should be Tuesday,till then only needs get purchased!We had JR conduct ad lib groups and he did very very well!I got home and scooted to walgreens,I had to stop at the office to add value to my laundry card cause Mikaela should be over tomorrow and my bed sheets gutta be done!

9.5.12 6.

I had a great apointment with my oncologist!They did a blood test and I talked to the doctor and he said there is another therapy besides chemo,hormone therapy.He doesn't think I will need any therapy though,my psa levals have come back low constantly,in fact he is so confident its beat,I don't have an appointment until 2.6.13 :)!


KJ has been over and the new staff member too!Now I'm gonna go to my oncologist!He is probably gonna do a blood test to check my psa level,make sure my cancer hasn't come back!


Hics was great today!The coffee shop next door to hics closed :( !I lost my place I buy lunch,so I came home and made a couple cheese turkey burgers :)!A new staff member started today and she seems real nice,of corce I had to give her one of my cards,hopefully she visits my web page!No rec club tomorrow we are having our dance/concert on Saturday :) !I had to call "the ride" to tell them I won't be traveling alone on that day cause Jan is coming :)!

Great afternoon :)

I've had a great afternoon :) !I scooted to Walgreens and Lisa walked :) !She said she is reading my blog but,I think to get the most from it,I'm gonna get her a FB account!I share my blog with FB and get all the great coments there!I just want her to get to know me better,this would be a crash corce!She could then see the work I do 4 brain injury awarness :!I guess my taste in music too :)!First I gutta get her an email account,gmail or Im happy with yahoo.

I asked

I asked Lisa about going to the appreciation night but she has some night blindness :(!Any other ladies that live near me wanna go on a date with me?Should be a great time with light refreshment and a comedy show.Its on Sunday September 23 1.30-5 at best western royal plaza hotel in Marlborough Ma.I'll pay 4 gas!

9.2.12 9.32 pm

Its late 4 me!I've got nothing I have to do tomorrow so I can stay up later than my normal 9 pm :)!I do have to do my laundry though since I didn't do it today!I'm gonna scoot to family dollar with Lisa walking tomorrow!It would be nice if I had more money 4 this trip but I'm not getting paid till a wk from Tuesday :(.Ive got  some money in my account but,I've just gutta be careful cause rent is gonna be with drawn  frm my account,I haven't bounced a ck in ova two yrs,I wanna keep this string going STRONG!I guess if I just see a real good deal I'll buy it!It will be great to be spending quality time with Lisa too ;)!

9.2.12 7.35 pm

I'm trying to think of  what happend today and my mind is coming up blank!I think I scooted to Walgreens this morning,yes I did :)!I booked all my rides for the week.I had to call on one trip cause I'm seeing my oncologist,they don't have that address!Now I just gutta remember where I go after being dropped off!If I figured it out b4  I can again :)!I got some of my music cds together so I can pick some tunes to request that classic obsession learn or play at out concert/dance.I asked Lisa about going to the appreciation night but she gets night blindness,so she is uncomfortable driving home from Marlborough :(!I did get to hang with Lisa 4 a little while today as I worked on getting my netbook conected to the net in her apartment!I've got much more conectivity up here on the 3rd floor!I've been on and off the land line with Lisa all day :)!Tomorrow we are gonna go to family dollar,she walk me scoot :) !


I've got all my normal Sunday tasks to do today with some extra tasks in order to complete them!I've gutta add value 2 my laundry card,call "the ride" cause I have a doctor's appointment they don't have the address 4,I've gutta call Lisa today and ask her to go with me to the BIA-MA appreciation night!That will be a fun afternoon:)!

9.1.12 11 pm

In my snail mail today I got an invitation to an afternoon of fun and laughter in appreciation of the BIA-MA volunteers,I speak for the BIA-MA!It says "you and a guest"! Comedians Larry Lee Lewis and Jerry Caruso will be performing!Its at the Best Western plaza hotel on September 23rd!I think I'll ask Lisa if she wants to go with me :)!This would be a great chance to do lots of networking :)!

9.1.12 8.50 pm

I had something really strange happen to me.I forgot Brianne is gonna have a baby next month!I don't know it all kinda seems very strange to me,my child is gonna have a child!This all is happening so fast,it seems I was just told of Bri's pregnancy!I guess time is gonna start flying by even faster!

9.1.12 7.20 pm

I've had a great afternoon!Lisa called and asked if I wanted to go to cresent ridge dairy farms and get an ice cream!I got a large butter crunch cone,it was great!The best part was spending quality time with Lisa :)!

9.1.12 2.39 pm

I've had a successful scoot to walgreens then I was gonna go down to Lisa's apartment to work on getting my net book connected down on the ground floor but,she called and said she just wasn't into it today.I know when I lived in Scituate we had things that would carry the wireless signal throughout the house!I'm gonna reserch that  through what my routers name is, :)!

kindof pissed off

I'm more than just a little pissed off about dr.Juric telling me his secretary will call me to set up an appointment to remove the fluid build up on my back from the surgery!It wasn't causing me any pain but I was worried someday it would.I just woke up from the best sleep I've had in days with intense pain in my back from the fluid biuld up!