I woke up very very tired this morning so I didn't go to hics :( .Ive been able to keep my brain super stimulated though!I paid most of my bills!Ive only got the gov left and mass health!Rent and electric gets taken out automatically.One of the pretty ladies that live in the building needed something printed!This is what is so cool about it though,she fbed me and asked!At first I couldn't figure out how I could print it,no pull down menus available!Then I tried a key on my keyboard and that worked!Tomorrow KJ is making a home visit at 8 am then I'm gonna go to the YMCA for resistance training.Then homemaker service comes over and with this new company I'm sure someone will be here :)!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!