Its almost 4/14,ten years of living with traumatic brain injury!I am proud of how far Ive come but I'm no way satisfied!I want to drive again!We did something a little different today @ hics.We had two groups,AS ran the 1st about clutter in your home and to have it organized!I'm good with that,when I first moved in DM helped me to make this place super organized!Ive got an in box for my mail,a file draw holder for impotent papers.I'm thinking of scanning most of them so I have a digital file of everything,even less clutter :)!I came home and paid most of my bills!I was able to order some ink jet cartridges,they are too expensive!I am really having fun running my life as challenging as it can be but the main thing is I CAN do it and do it well:)!
I'm a 54 year old man and a survivor of a traumatic brain injury which caused a 3.5 month coma!I beat prostate cancer too :)!