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Today's events

I'm having trouble tring to remember what I did today,go figure :)!I think I scooted to walgreens this morning instead of going to stop and shop and WAITING 4 rides!I was able to get most of my nomal shxt!I do need to get some coffee creamer thou but I think Ive got enough in reserve :)!I spilled something on my netbook which untill I get my desktop back is what I'm using.It was going crazy,typing 6's all over!I got my problem solving tacktics in gear and found it was the usb wireless connector I have plugged in to my netbook!It still took a while to get it dry enough to stop going crazy 6's:)!I got it thou and I'm using my wireless keyboard and mouse for this post :)!I vacumed my apt. cause I'm having my young adults stop in and thats all I could ever want for Christmas,to spend quality time with all my young adults at the same time cause its so much fun seeing them interact with each other :)!


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