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Today's happenings

I had Ot this morning and I came in with a task,related to Ot,I needed to do!I got my new therapy appointments,I need them written in my pocket calendar!With the help of my therapists I,YES I,was able to write on the dates in my pocket calendar the time and kind of therapy I'm having!Its these little victories Ive got to reach way around my back,give myself a pat and say "great job"!I was using a pen I can get from one of the websites they gave me,gutta put that on the "to do" list!I got home for just about 30 mins then off to the "y"!On some machines my wrist wants to bend in an awkward way!Allie knows this so she got a like brace for me to use while I do my workout!Thanks Allie,your the best!I got home then scooted to walgreens,I wanted to get some pizza to cook up then this steak and cheese sub was there just looking so so good!I got a couple pizzas and that steak and cheese sub,Ill use my toaster oven and have a grinder tonight :) !


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