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Ive got nothing planned 4 today cept Ive gutta book my rides and do some laundry!That makes my mind wonder back to this person who didn't think I could do as well as I have being totally independent!He used to say to me all the time "what are you gonna do when you get your apt?"Id say "Ive done it for years since my divorce" hed say "but you had help".True,when I was going through my divorce,my mother and I knew the only chance 4 Kenny to have a happy childhood was 4 me to get physical custody of him,I said to her "I will need help raising him"!Yes I did have help but,I think she enjoyed it as much as I!Thats all the help I had!MMD used to come and clean but that was only to pay off a dept she owed me!I was able to do a very high demanding job and raise my son into the great young adult he has become today :)!


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