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7.28 drs,rec

My doctors visit went very well!He always does a complete exam!My visioin,to make sure my eyes focus properly,checked all my reflexes,Made sure I knew what was goin on in the world,he just made sure I wasnt loosing touch with reality.He says Im doing great!I guess I really am wasnt that long ago I was comatose,had a hole in my tummy that a tube connected to for feeding!Now look at me,Ive got my own place :)!
Sec was great!I played blackjack all night again!CmK was again the dealer,now I remember the last casino night cause she makes blackjack a blast all night!Just small things like she being the dealer,if she won,the pot wouldnt get touched then everybody anties again to make the pot even bigger!I think I won a hand like that :)!


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