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living with a brain injury

Living with tbi is the hardest thing Ive ever had to deal with and Ive dealt with hard issues many times before!Divorce and a broken neck,2nd cervical vetabrate!This is so hard thou!I cant help but think of all Ive lost!My career,worked my way up to be the best at what I did!Worked for a great coponey that paid me as the best!2001 I had my best year,well in the six figure catagory,seeing the perfect(for me)lady,we had plans to get married but,she couldnt deal with my tbi :(!Yes life WAS easy!Now everything is a struggle!Even simple things I now struggle with!Its been said why do it!I do it cause I believe I can do anything,and do it well!When I struggle with anything,I think of ways I can make it easyer!That is what drives me crazy thou,the fact b4 I didnt even have to think of how to do some task,I was able to just do it.Now Ive got to give my total concentration to a specific tast and even it dosent always go right!
Now my job is to work on myself!Im gonna work at it with the same determination that helped me succeed in the glass buisness!
Even things as simple as getting myself dressed,I neva knew how hard it is to get both hands to work together!Thats why I have major issues with things like tieing my shoes,sneackers!cont


Kelly said…
This is one of your best posts yet Jamie. Keep writing!
jamie said…
hi Kelly,how you doin?Jamie

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